Transforming Data Chaos into Cohesive Views with the 'Financial Snapshot' Dashboard

Practice Automations • 2023

WORKING FOR Practice Automations (PAPM) Practice Automations (PAPM) is a Texas-based healthcare startup set to transform the RCM sector with its advanced SaaS product. Despite the digital age, the industry remains paper-based and fragmented, grappling with the complexities of the US healthcare billing system. PAPM is determined to change this by developing user-friendly, AI-driven solutions for these companies.
ROLE Product Designer & Information Architect
TEAM Jennifer Surban, Product Manager Mike Gonzalez, UX Lead & UX Researcher Shahid Bashir, Engineer

Introduction / Problem:

In RCM billing, having a clear understanding of an organization's financial health is paramount. For billers, sifting through vast amounts of data can be overwhelming, making it challenging to derive actionable insights. Our team recognized the need for a "Financial Snapshot" dashboard that would provide billers with a comprehensive yet user-friendly overview of the financial status of the organizations they represent. The challenge lay in determining the most valuable data and charts, designing intuitive and visually appealing widgets, and integrating a graph library compatible with our system.


Our journey began with the essential task of understanding the key metrics and data points that would be most valuable to our users. This required extensive discussions with billers, AR managers, and other stakeholders to identify the financial indicators that mattered most to them. Equally crucial was ensuring that our envisioned widgets, charts, and overall user experience were feasible from a development perspective. Given the complexity of the data and the intricacies of the RCM billing process, aligning design aspirations with development capabilities was no small feat. This necessitated close collaboration with our development team throughout the design phase, ensuring that our solutions were both innovative and technically achievable.


  • User Research: Through interviews and workshops, we gathered insights into the daily challenges faced by billers and the kind of data they frequently accessed. This helped us prioritize the metrics that would be displayed on the dashboard.
  • Wireframing: Before investing time in creating each widget, we needed to figure out how the widgets should be arranged and the workflows within the dashboard. To do this, we experimented with different layouts using wireframes that were reviewed by subject matter experts. This process enabled us to gain a high level of confidence that we were on the right track.
  • Widget Design: With a clear understanding of the required data points, we began designing widgets. Each widget was crafted to be accurate, easy to understand, and visually engaging. Multiple design iterations were made, ensuring that the information was presented in the most intuitive manner.
  • Graph Library Selection: To bring our designs to life, we needed a graph library that would seamlessly integrate with our system and be manageable for our developers. After evaluating multiple options, we selected a library that met our technical requirements and offered the flexibility we needed.
  • Iterative Feedback: Throughout the design and development process, we maintained a close dialogue with our users and developers. Their feedback was instrumental in refining the dashboard, ensuring it was both functional and user-friendly.


Meet the “Financial Snapshot” dashboard:

“Financial Snapshot” page overview
“Financial Snapshot” page overview
Widget Detail
Widget Detail

Conclusion, Reflections & Learnings

The process of conceptualizing and creating the "Financial Snapshot" dashboard was both enlightening and challenging. Here are some of my key reflections and lessons learned from this project:

  • The Power of User-Centricity: The project highlighted the importance of putting users at the center of design. By engaging closely with billers and AR managers, we were able to customize the dashboard to meet their specific needs, making it more than just a tool, but a solution to their daily struggles.
  • Balancing Aesthetics with Functionality: While the visual appeal of the dashboard was essential, it was equally crucial to ensure that it served its primary purpose: providing clear, actionable insights. Striking this balance taught us the importance of iterative design and constant feedback.
  • Technical Feasibility: One of the pivotal learnings was the need to align design aspirations with development realities. The selection of the graph library and the collaboration with the development team highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary teamwork. It's not just about what looks good, but also about what works seamlessly.

In summary, the "Financial Snapshot" dashboard was not only the result of technical expertise, but also of empathy, collaboration, and a thorough understanding of the RCM billing world. It serves as a testament to what can be accomplished when user needs, design excellence, and technical skill come together.

Would you like to go into more detail about this case study? Let’s talk!

🚀 Stefano Tavanielli

Case Studies

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